Model G20

Model G20

High school and university students can benefit from participating in a Model G20, often called a Model G20 Summit. Students assume the roles of foreign ministers from G20 countries or invited guests and attempt to reach consensus on how to address certain issues. Diplomacy, international relations, the G20, and other topics connected to the summit subject are all taught to students in attendance at a G20 summit. For pupils interested in Model G20, several schools even have their own clubs.

Model G20, g20,
Students at an award ceremony following a Model G20 Summit

It’s like a little version of the United Nations. Awards are frequently presented at the conclusion of summits, both to individual delegates and to entire delegations.

American University 

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Since 2017, the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C., has held Model G20s for both undergraduate and graduate students. Cecilia Nahón, a former Argentine ambassador to the United States and a regular attendee of the Group of Twenty summits, founded it.

Cağaloğlu Anadolu Lisesi

Since 2016, the Model G20 has been hosted annually by Caalolu Anadolu Lisesi in Istanbul, Turkey. There were 80 first-years in the inaugural class. In 2018, students from all over the world gathered at Istanbul Aydn University for the third annual Model G20.

Knovva Academy

Since 2016, Knovva Academy has hosted the Model G20 Summit in several locations, such as Beijing, Boston, and Cambridge. The Harvard University campus hosts the Boston summit. More than twenty countries were represented by high school students during the 2019 Beijing conference. Knovva Academy Model G20 delegates spend days immersed in lectures and discussions before the actual summit. Traveling around the host country is another major activity.

Knovva Academy not only organizes Model G20s but also sends a delegation to the Y20 summit, the official young component of the G20, which takes place before the meeting of heads of state. Knovva Academy events are invitation-only and require students to submit their transcripts and participate in an interview.

İstanbul Ticaret University Model G20 

On November 28–29, 2022, Istanbul Ticaret University will host the first ever university-based model G20 in Turkey, with Associate Professor Uur Yasin ASAL serving as the consultant, ideate, and General Director Istemi Han Sadik.




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