Computer MCQ-19


MS Excel MCQ

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Excel is a program that is used to prepare a

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What are the basic rectangular building blocks of a spreadsheet ?

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Another name for a pre-programmed formula in Excel is

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Which of the following identifies a cell in Excel ?

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----- appear at the bottom of the Excel window.

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What is the extension of saved file in MS Excel ?

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Which term is used to join the selected cells in to one cell ?

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A formula in Excel always begins with an -----

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Which of the following Excel charts represents only one value for each variable ?

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A(n) ______ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or rectangular group of cells.

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What is the default row height of MS Excel ?

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What refers to the horizontal cells which can contain information ?

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Which bar show the used formula of selected active cell ?

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Typed text showed in active cell and also in ----

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How many columns are there in old version of MS Excel ?

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To minimize the currently selected window, press

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Which of the following is the default numbers of worksheet in MS Excel ?

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To maximize the currently selected window, press

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Formulas in Excel are made up of _____

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Which of the following is the comparison operator ?

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On an Excel sheet, the active cell is indicated by

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Workbook is a collection of

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In a spreadsheet, a ------ is a number you will use in a calculation.

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To display the save as dialog box, press

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The result of a formula in a cell is the

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Which of the following is an active cell in excel ?

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What is the default column width of MS Excel ?

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A ------ is rectangular grid of rows and columns used to enter data.

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In Excel which of the following formulas will Excel not be able to calculate ?

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You can undo and redo up to _____ action in Microsoft Office Excel, even after a worksheet is saved.

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