Computer MCQ-15


Basic Computer MCQ-15

Basic Computer MCQ-15

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1 / 25

Which is not in MS word ?

2 / 25

Which is the word processing software ?

3 / 25

-----cannot be used to work in MS Office.

4 / 25

What is the blank space outside the printing area on a page ?

5 / 25

The valid format of MS Word is----

6 / 25

The name of a word document displays in----

7 / 25

Which bar shows the current position as far the text goes ?

8 / 25

Which of the following software is used for making resume ?

9 / 25

Which of the following is an example of page orientation ?

10 / 25

The _____ works with the standard Copy and Paste commands.

11 / 25

In the----we can change the view of the document and set the zoom option.

12 / 25

Which option is not available in Microsoft office button ?

13 / 25

A word gets selected by clicking it

14 / 25

What program is used in MS-Word to check the spelling ?

15 / 25

Each line represents how many letters in WordStar ?

16 / 25

To see the document before the printout is taken, use

17 / 25

Which of the following to justification align the text on both the sides-left and right of margin ?

18 / 25

To delete the selected text press

19 / 25

Which file are contents readymade styles that can be used for a word document ?

20 / 25

A major step before taking print of the document is

21 / 25

Which term is not related with font ?

22 / 25

Line spacing is in the----of MS Word.

23 / 25

Which of the following key is used to delete characters to the left of the cursor ?

24 / 25

Portrait and Landscape are

25 / 25

To save a document for the first time, option is used.

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