G20 Summit 2023 MCQ


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G20 Summit 2023 MCQ

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G20 Summit 2023 MCQ

1 / 70

What is the inspiration for G20 2023 logo ?

2 / 70

What is the full form of G20 ?

3 / 70

Where is the logo of G20 2023 summit inspired ?

4 / 70

Who is the present President of G-20 ?

5 / 70

Which of the following is not a member of G-20 ?

6 / 70

Which Indian city has been selected to host the 'U20 cycle' under India's presidency of the G20 ?

7 / 70

Who inaugurated India's first 'Model G-20 Summit 2023' ?

8 / 70

The first meeting of the G20 International Financial Structure Working Group has been held in which city ?

9 / 70

How did the G20 start ?

10 / 70

When did India become a member country of G20 ?

11 / 70

Where is the headquarters of G20 located ?

12 / 70

How many members are included in G20 ?

13 / 70

At which place the first meeting of G-20 will be held in 2023 ?

14 / 70

Who has chaired the 'G20 Summit 2022' ?

15 / 70

When was the first G20 summit held ?

16 / 70

Where is the first Women-20 (W20) meeting_2023 held under the G20 chairmanship of India ?

17 / 70

The theme of G-20 has been taken from which Upanishad ?

18 / 70

Which edition of 'G20 Summit' is being held in 2023 ?

19 / 70

Which of the following colors is not used in the logo of G-20 ?

20 / 70

In which script is India written in the logo of G-20 ?

21 / 70

In which year was G-20 established ?


22 / 70

What is the theme of 'G20 Summit 2023' being organized in India ?

23 / 70

What is the name of the architect of the Nataraja idol, which was installed in front of the G-20 venue ?

24 / 70

Modi ji welcomed the guests in front of Kornak Chakra. Which ruler got the Chakra built ?

25 / 70

What is the name of the third session of the G-20 conference held in India ?

26 / 70

What is the name of the venue of the G-20 conference being held in Delhi ?

27 / 70

How many countries are currently there in the African Union, which was recently included in the G-20 ?

28 / 70

To which organization did India provide membership in the G-20 group with the consent of the G-20 ?

29 / 70

India invited which of the following organizations to the G-20 meeting ?

30 / 70

In how many cities and how many institutions of the country was the G-20 meeting held ?

31 / 70

By mentioning which old pillar written in Prakrit language, Modi ji started the G-20 conference ?

32 / 70

What is the name of the first session of the G-20 conference held in India ?

33 / 70

How many countries are invited to the G-20 conference held in India ?

34 / 70

On which date was the G-20 conference held in New Delhi ?

35 / 70

On how many issues was consensus reached in the New Delhi Declaration ?

36 / 70

How many engagement groups were formed under the G-20 meeting ?

37 / 70

Who presided over the first meeting of the 'G20 Summit' ?

38 / 70

Which country will preside over the 19th edition of 'G20 Summit' in 2024 ?

39 / 70

Which of the following country presided over the 'G20 Summit' 2023 ?

40 / 70

In which city was the meeting of "G20 Foreign Ministers” (2023) held ?

41 / 70

In which country the P-20 Conference of Parliament Speakers of 'G-20 Countries' 2023 has been organized ?

42 / 70

Where was the first 'Tourism Working Group (TWG)' meeting 2023 held as part of India's G20 chairmanship ?

43 / 70

Where is the first meeting of 'G20 Culture Working Group' held in 2023 ?

44 / 70

Where was the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of 'G-20 countries' held in 2023 ?

45 / 70

In which of the following country was the 'First G20 Summit' held ?

46 / 70

In which of the following state the second G20 Sherpa meeting started ?

47 / 70

In which city was the meeting of development ministers of G20 countries held ?

48 / 70

Where is the 'First G-20 Sherpa Meeting 2022 in India' held ?

49 / 70

Where was the first G20 meeting of the Deputy Heads of Finance and Central Banks held ?

50 / 70

Which city hosted the 'G20 Finance Ministers' meeting ?

51 / 70

Which of the following statements is not correct about G-20 ?

52 / 70

At which of the following places the first Trade and Investment Working Group meeting was inaugurated ?

53 / 70

Which of the following state/UT will host the G20 event ?

54 / 70

At which of the following places the 2nd G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) meeting will be held ?

55 / 70

In which city the Round Table Conference of G20 Chief Science Advisers will be held ?

56 / 70

In which of the following state the first meeting of the G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group began ?

57 / 70

At which of the following places the 2nd meeting of the Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) will be held ?

58 / 70

At which of the following places the G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting was held ?

59 / 70

At which of the following places the G20 flower festival was organized ?

60 / 70

At which of the following places the National Youth Conclave (NYC) is being organized ?

61 / 70

Two-day_Labour20 (L20) engagement group's inception meeting was held in which city ?

62 / 70

For how long will India hold the presidency of G-20 ?

63 / 70

G20 member countries account for approximately what percentage of global gross domestic product (GDP) ?

64 / 70

The heads of state of which member countries did not attend the G20 Summit 2023 ?

65 / 70

Whose statue was installed outside 'Bharat Mandapam', the venue of the G20 summit ?

66 / 70

In which state the first meeting of W−20 was organized under the chairmanship of G-20 of India ?

67 / 70

Which countries are included in the triumvirate of G-20 2023 ?

68 / 70

Which temple did British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visit during the G-20 conference ?

69 / 70

Under the Global Biofuel Alliance Initiative, India has announced at the G20 summit to take ethanol blending with petrol globally to how much percent ?

70 / 70

What do the petals of the lotus flower represent among the G-20 people ?

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