2011 G20 Cannes summit

2011 G20 Cannes summit


G20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy Sommet du G20 2011
G20 France 2011 Cannes Summit,
  Host countryFrance
  Date3-4 November 2011
  MottoBuilding our Common Future: Renewed Collective Action for the Benefit of All
  Venue(s)Palais des Festivals Cannes, France

Invited Guests:

  • Ethiopia
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Equatorial
  • Guinea
  Follows2010 G20 Seoul Summit
  Precedes2012 G20 Los Cabos Summit
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The G20 heads of government and heads of state met for the sixth time in 2011 at the Cannes Summit. They have been meeting regularly to talk about the world economy and financial markets.

The G20 meeting is where the economies of the G20 talk about, plan, and keep an eye on how they work together to boost global trade. The summit did not make much progress in solving the Eurozone crisis or addressing global financial imbalances, but it did produce some real results, such as the approval of the Cannes Action Plan for Growth and Jobs, the launch of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS), and the support of an Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture.



France made agriculture and food security the most important things for the G20. [5] It grouped the summit’s main goals into six areas based on this broad theme:

  1. Change how the international money system works.
  2. Increase the strictness of financial rules, especially those that apply to non-banking financial organizations and those that protect the honesty and integrity of the financial markets.
  3. Lessen the unpredictability of product prices and improve food security.
  4. Back jobs and make the social side of globalization stronger.
  5. To fight corruption, make sure that the Anti-Corruption Action Plan that was approved at the G20 summit in Seoul in 2010 will start to show real results and growth in 2011.
  6. Help the most vulnerable countries build up their facilities and make sure they have enough food.


The Summit was held following the Great Recession of 2007–2008 and during the ongoing crisis in the Eurozone. In light of this, it’s fair to say that the summit’s final product fell short of expectations, failing to offer any concrete steps toward repairing and fortifying the global economy.

However, other projects were launched as a direct result of the summit, especially in the fields of agriculture and food security. There have been concrete efforts to address the global agriculture and food dilemma, most notably the introduction of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and the approval of an Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture. The G20 Summit also mandated the GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) effort to employ earth observation data to generate more accurate agricultural output estimates, which were to be widely disseminated.



Leaders of the G20 countries present at the Cannes summit.
Leaders of the G20 countries present at the Cannes summit. 


Nicolas Sarkozy welcomes Barack Obama to the G20 meeting in Cannes, France, on 3 November.
Nicolas Sarkozy welcomes Barack Obama to the G20 meeting in Cannes, France, on 3 November.

Leaders and representatives from the core members of the G20 [6], which is made up of 19 countries, as well as the European Union’s two governing bodies, the European Council and the European Commission, were at the Cannes meeting.
At the summit, people from other countries and regional groups were also asked to take part.

StateRepresented byTitle
🇦🇷 Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner President
🇦🇺 Australia Julia Gillard Prime Minister
🇧🇷 Brazil Dilma Rousseff President
🇨🇦 Canada Stephen Harper Prime Minister
🇨🇳 China Hu Jintao President
🇫🇷 France Nicolas Sarkozy President
🇩🇪 Germany Angela Merkel Chancellor
🇮🇳 India Manmohan Singh Prime Minister
🇮🇩 Indonesia Susilo Babmbang Yodhoyono President and the chair of ASEAN
🇮🇹 Italy Silvo Berlusconi Prime Minister
🇯🇵 Japan Yoshihiko Noda Prime Minister
🇲🇽 Mexico Felipe Calderon President
🇷🇺 Russia Dmitry Medvedev President
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al-Assaf Minister of Finance
🇿🇦 South Africa Jacob Zuma President
🇰🇷 South Korea Lee Myung-bak President
🇹🇷 Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Prime Minister
🇬🇧 United Kingdom David Cameron Prime Minister
🇺🇸 United States Barack Obama President
🇪🇺 European Commission José Manuel Barroso President
 European Council Herman Van Rompuy President
Invited States
StateRepresented byTitle
🇬🇳 Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema  Mbasogo President
🇪🇹 Ethiopia Meles Zenawi Prime Minister
🇸🇬 Singapore Lee Hsien Loong Prime Minister
🇪🇸 Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero Prime Minister
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan Minister of Foreign Affairs
International Organisations
OrganisationRepresented byTitle
 African Union Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Chairman
 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Nout Wellink Chairman
 CCASG Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan
 European Central Bank Mario Draghi President
 Financial Stability Board Mark Carney Chairman
 Global Governance Group Sellapan Ramanathan
 International Labour  Organization Juan Somavía Director-General
 International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde Managing Director
 NEPAD Armando Guebuza
 OECD José Ángel Gurría Secretary-General
🇺🇳 United Nations Ban Ki-moon Secretary General
 World Bank Group Robert Zoellick President
 World Trade Organization Pascal Lamy Director-General



People at the summit wore Robin Hood hats and called for a tax on foreign financial transactions so that money could go to helping poor countries instead of banks and other financial institutions. They also chanted slogans against “corporate greed” and backed a counter-G20 summit called “People First, Not Finance,” which was put together by labor groups and NGOs like Oxfam and Greenpeace. The cops said 5,500 people were protesting, but the organizers said 12,000 people were there. Helicopters and riot police took the protests to a neighborhood in the east of Nice. This neighborhood was also going to be the site of the alternative meeting. 12,000 police officers were sent to both Cannes and Nice to make things safer.







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