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1 / 40

The word 'Mahari can lexically mean :

2 / 40

Which is performed at the last leg of Odissi dance performance ?

3 / 40

Which of the following items comes third in sequence during the performance of Odissi dance ?

4 / 40

A palm-leaf manuscript called 'Abhinaya Chandrika' written in 17th Century about technique of Odissi dance, is authored by :

5 / 40

Choose the INCORRECT one:
Name of Folk
Dances of Odisha - Places of their Origin

6 / 40

The use of art in music is called :

7 / 40

Which of the following dances is exclusively performed by men ?

8 / 40

Which of the following forms of performing arts is performed by only boys ?

9 / 40

'Maharis' are associated with :

10 / 40

Which of the following is NOT an Odissi raga ?

11 / 40

Who introduced Mudra Vinyoga in 1955 and Sancharibhava in the Odissi dance items ?

12 / 40

Which is yet to receive the classical status in India ?

13 / 40

Who among the following was a leading disciple of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra ?

14 / 40

Which of these languages is declared 'classical' by the Government of India ?

15 / 40

In which year, Odissi dance received its recognition as a classical dance.

16 / 40

Paika Nacha' is widely popular in the undivided district of:

17 / 40

Odissi dancers in Jagannath Temple are called as ?

18 / 40

'Bagurumba Dance' is performed by which of the following tribal communities in Odisha ?

19 / 40

Which of the folk dance in Odisha is specially woven around the love affair between the mythological characters Arjuna and Subhadra ?

20 / 40

The shadow-puppet theatre of Odisha is known as :

21 / 40

'Ravan Chhaya', a folk-dance form, is mostly popular in which of the following districts ?

22 / 40

Jhoomar' a popular dance form in Odisha is mostly popular among the tribals residing in:

23 / 40

Which of the following tribal dances is named after the musical instrument used in the performance of the dance?

24 / 40

The subject matter of 'Prahalad Natak' mostly practised in Ganjam District, is written by:

25 / 40

'Chaitighoda Nacha' (Horse dance in Odia month of Chaitra), a widely popular dance form in coastal Odisha, is mostly observed by:

26 / 40

In which of the following Odia movie popular singer Akshaya Mohanty began his playback singing ?

27 / 40

Which of the following tribal dances is named after the musical instrument used in the performance of the dance ?

28 / 40

Who among the following is NOT a dancer of Odissi ?

29 / 40

Guru Maguni Das is associated with which of the following Culture of dance Odisha forms in Odisha ?

30 / 40

Banikantha Nimain Charan Harichandan was born in 1901 in:

31 / 40

Guru Kelu Charan Mohapatra Odissi Research Centre is situated :

32 / 40

'Dalkhai, one of the most popular folk dance forms in Odisha is most popular in which part of the State ?

33 / 40

Abhima Sundar Gotipua Nrutya Parishad is located in :-

34 / 40

Who is credited for the creation of Dhumpa Sangita ?

35 / 40

How many Odissi dancers performed at the Kalinga Stadium on 23rd December 2011 to set Guinness World Records ?

36 / 40

Who built built Natyamandapa in the Jagannath temple for the dance performances inside the temple ?

37 / 40

Which of the following folk-dance form is NOT practised in Sambalpur region ?

38 / 40

Tarikund in Jagatsinghpur District is mostly known for which of the following folk-dance forms ?

39 / 40

During whose reign Maharis were employed in the Lord Jagannath temple of Puri for performing Odissi dance ?

40 / 40

'Prahalad Natak' a popular folk dance form in Odisha had its origin in which of the following districts of Odisha ?

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