Computer MCQ Part -2


Computer MCQ Part-2

Computer MCQ 2

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Computer MCQ 2

1 / 30

Where BIOS is stored ?

2 / 30

Which device among following is used for sending digital data over a phone line ?

3 / 30

An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is ?

4 / 30

1 Mega Byte is equal to ___ ?

5 / 30

BIOS is used for ?

6 / 30

Microsoft office is type of  ?

7 / 30

Which type of switching is used in Internet ?

8 / 30

Which type of software is an operating system ?

9 / 30

In banking, railways etc which computers are used ?

10 / 30

IP address version 4 is in which format ?

11 / 30

Charles Babbage designed the first mechanical computer named

12 / 30

Which is known as the most powerful type of computer.

13 / 30

What is kind of CD-ROM

14 / 30

C is what kind of language ?

15 / 30

Which is following is not an operating System ?

16 / 30

Where is cache memory is located ?

17 / 30

Which among following is odd one ?

18 / 30

Which operating system is developed by Apple ?

19 / 30

What is full form of HTTP  ?

20 / 30

Which among following is an image name extension ?

21 / 30

What is full form of TIFF ?

22 / 30

Computer resolution measures ?

23 / 30

From which year 5th generation of computers is considered ?

24 / 30

Which term is related to database ?

25 / 30

Which among following is engine of computer ?

26 / 30

Which function key is used to check spellings ?

27 / 30

In computer what converts AC to DC  ?

28 / 30

Which among following is responsible for specifying address of a
memory location ?

29 / 30

Which among following is responsible for finding and loading operating system into RAM ?

30 / 30

By pressing which key we can move to beginning of a page ?

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