Computer MCQ – 4



Computer MCQ - 4

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Computer MCQ - 4

1 / 30

What is output ?

2 / 30

_________is the process of carrying commands.

3 / 30

All the deleted files go to ____ ?

4 / 30

Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips ?

5 / 30

Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry ?

6 / 30

Which of these keys is NOT on the number keypad ?

7 / 30

Why is the Caps lock key referred to as a toggle key ?

8 / 30

Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network ?

9 / 30

A button that makes characters either upper or lower case and numbers to symbols-

10 / 30

The............... key and the .............. key can be used in combination with other keys to perform shortcuts and special tasks.

11 / 30

Powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed :

12 / 30

A medium for transferring data between two locations is called :

13 / 30

A sizeable geographical area with communication based on the telephone system is though as :

14 / 30

An error in a computer program :

15 / 30

Softcopy is the intangible output, so then what is hardcopy ?

16 / 30

A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n) :

17 / 30

A(n) ............... is a program that makes the computer easier to use :

18 / 30

A _________is a unique name that you give to a file of information :

19 / 30

When your turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test :

20 / 30

The secret code that restricts entry to some programs :

21 / 30

A _________ contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm :

22 / 30

A disk's content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased
by the user is

23 / 30

The primary purpose of software is to turn data into ____ ?

24 / 30

You organise files by storing them in ___ ?

25 / 30

A compiler translates a program written in a high-level language into ____ ?

26 / 30

Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest ?

27 / 30

A computer's type, processor and operating system define its .............. ?

28 / 30

The process of a computer receiving information form a server on the
Internet is known as _______ ?

29 / 30

What is the term for how words will appear on a page ?

30 / 30

When sending an e-mail, the .......... line describe the contents of the message.

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