Computer MCQ-12


Computer MCQ-12

Computer MCQ-12

Whatsapp Group
Telegram channel

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What are the uses of the Internet :

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URL stands for :

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Role of IP addressing is :

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Internet is

5 / 30

What is Windows Explorer ?

6 / 30

An IP address is a :

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The Internet allows you to -

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___is the most popular Internet activity.

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----is a procedure that requires users to enter an identification code and a matching password.

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The software that allows users to surf the Internet is called a/an

11 / 30

What are the two parts of an e-mail address ?

12 / 30

What is the most common way to get a virus in your computer's hard disk ?

13 / 30

Which of the following terms is not related to Internet ?

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TCP stands for :

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Which of the following is called as protocol in the URL ?

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A(n) ----allows sharing of a broadband Internet connection.

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Most World Wide Web pages contain commands in the language

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A (n) ----appearing on a web page opens another document when clicked.

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The---- folder retains copies of messages have started but are not yet ready to send.

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The ---- shows all the Web sites and pages that you have visited over a period of time.

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What utility to you use to transfer files and exchange messages ?

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A Web site's main page is called its-----.

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The secret code that gives you access to some programs.

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An educational institution would generally have the following in its domain name

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When sending an e-mail, the ---- line describes the contents of the message.

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An e-mail address typically consists of a user ID followed by the----sign and the name of the e-mail server that manages the user's electronic post office box.

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Which of the following are all considered advantages of e-mail ?

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Usually downloaded into folders that hold temporary Internet files,----are written to your computer's hard disk by some of the Web sites you visit.

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----is collection of web-pages and---- is the very first page that we see on opening of a website.

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A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called----

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